Our offer

Technology and metal working 


High pressure die casting - aluminium, zinc - machines

Die casting machines - aluminium

1x Automated casting line

  • die casting machine Bühler with cold chamber and  clamping force 400t
  • ABB picking robot
  • trimming press Reis 40t
  • Wollin spraying equipment
  • StrikoWestofen dosing furnace
  • DCS control centre

1x Die casting machine Oleopress with cold chamber and clamping force 300t - automatic dosing

Die casting machines - zinc

2x Die casting machine Frech with hot chamber and 50t clamping force

CNC machines

Other machines

  • 1x tunel washing machine
  • 2x vibratory/mass finishing machine
  • 2x column drills with a spindle for the production of threads and with a multi-spindle head
  • 1x sandblasting machine
  • trimming presses: 10t - 40t
  • 3D metrology machine

The technology of our production is based on high-pressure casting parts into the metal moulds on die casting machines with a cold chamber for Aluminium castings and a hot chamber for Zinc castings.

    Maximum die casting machines production possibilities:

  • die casting machines:  clamping force 3000 kN and 4000 kN.  
  • Smaller and medium sized products up to                 a maximum weight of 1,5 kg. 
  • The maximum dimensions of the moulds: 680x570x650 mm 

2x CNC milling machines  BROTHER TC R2A

  • Double-pallette
  • Table size: 500x300
  • Working area: X- 420, Y- 320, Z- 270
  • Load capacity for 1 pallet 60 kg

1x - CNC milling machine BROTHER TC 324N

  • Double-pallette
  • Table size: 500x300
  • Working area: X- 420, Y- 320, Z- 270
  • Load capacity for 1 pallet 60 kg

1x - CNC milling machine - BROTHER TC 32A

  • Double-pallette
  • Table size: 500x300
  • Working area:  X- 420, Y- 320, Z- 270
  • Additional axis B
  • Load capacity for 1 pallet 60 kg


  • Aluminium castings

  • Zinc castings